Residential Group Homes: Angelic Place, LLC provides care for individuals with Developmental/Intellectual Disabilities located in Spotsylvania County, Fredericksburg Virginia. We are licensed by the State of Virginia and are in compliance with the Medical standards of the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services (DBHDS). Our beautiful Single-family homes provides supports and services to individuals with Developmental/Intellectual Disabilities (DD and ID).

The homes are limited to a maximum of 4 individuals and staffed 24 hours a day by trained staff.  Trainings include Human Rights, TOVA,Medication Management, ID Waiver, First Aid & CPR.  Each home has a vehicle for its own use.  The homes are set up to purchase groceries,supplies, and clothing in the community. The individuals that live in these homes assist and participate in these activities.  To the extent possible, the individuals participate in the operation of their home through individual meetings, planning their recreational activities and other household duties.  The homes are equipped with 24 hour a day monitored services for fire safety and security.

In-Home Support: In-home support provides skill-building and services to individuals with intellectual disabilities or developmental disabilities who are living independently or with family (or caregivers) in other community settings. Skill-building and support are provided in order to help the individual meet his or her medical, dietary, behavioral, personal care and daily living needs. Skill-building and support are also provided to build independence and to promote involvement in the home and in the community. This service does not provide 24-hour supervision or care. Individuals do not need to be 18 years or older in order to be eligible for this service.

Skilled-building and Support Services:

  • Personal Hygiene
  • Domestic Skills
  • Social Skills
  • Medication Administration
  • Daily Activities
  • Money Management
  • Dietary Needs
  • Safety
  • Transportation


Professional Staff

Registered Nurse, Direct Support Professional (DSPs), Qualified Developmental Disability Professionals (QDDP’s)

Criteria of Admission

The home shall consider admission for any individual who:  is in need of active treatment or health services; meets the definition of Intellectually/Developmentally Disabled as defined by DMAS. Individuals MUST have been approved a community waiver.

Health Care Consulting

Consulting services for healthcare professionals

Other Services

Behavioral support